edcon tickets


We're thrilled to announce an exciting update: EDCON 2024 in Tokyo will be completely free for all attendees! This decision reflects our dedication to encouraging innovation, inclusivity, and the principles of open-source collaboration.

This move aligns with our goal to make EDCON 2024 a pivotal moment for the open-source community, encouraging global participation from individuals from around the world to engage with the latest in web3 advancements.

Apply for a FREE ticket

  • Developer
    Includes Access to Main Conference July 29-30. Ability to Register for Limited Capacity Events July 24-30: Super Demo, UNU Workshops, and Community Events.
  • Student
    Includes Access to Main Conference July 29-30. Ability to Register for Limited Capacity Events July 24-30: Super Demo, UNU Workshops, and Community Events.
  • General
    Includes Access to Main Conference July 29-30. Ability to Register for Limited Capacity Events July 24-30: Super Demo, UNU Workshops, and Community Events.
Thanks to our generous sponsors and collaboration with the Shibuya government for venue provision, we decided to remove cost as a barrier and make this event accessible to everyone.